UI coding Challenges
are now open & free

Lupleg is a platform where you can learn, build, and collaborate on websites, blogs, e-commerce websites, and more.

Responsive Navigation Bar

Responsive Navigation Bar

Create a responsive navigation bar that collapses into a hamburger menu on mobile devices.

Interactive Pricing Component

Interactive Pricing Component

Build an interactive pricing component with a toggle for monthly/yearly billing.

Dark Mode Toggle

Dark Mode Toggle

Implement a dark mode toggle that switches between light and dark themes.

Drag and Drop Area

Drag and Drop Area

Create a drag and drop Area with functionality displaying name of file uploaded.

Animated Page Transitions

Animated Page Transitions

Implement smooth page transitions using CSS animations or a animation library.

Custom Video Player

Custom Video Player

Build a custom video player with play, pause, seek, and volume controls.

Pay Card Form

Pay Card Form

Create a credit card form with card number, expiry date, and CVC code.
