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Our subscription plans offer flexible options to support your business at every stage.

PRO Monthly

Perfect for small businesses and individuals.

$20/Billed every month.
All Coding Challenges (500+)
All Video Tutorials
Project-Based Roadmaps
2 Days Live call mentorship
Job search support
24/7 Support
Technical Interviews
Resume/CV Review
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PRO Gold

For growing businesses and teams.

$39.99/Billed every month.
All Coding Challenges (500+)
All Video Tutorials
Project-Based Roadmaps
Access to 2 UI templates
3 Days Live call mentorship
Job search support
24/7 Support
Technical Interviews
Resume/CV Review
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PRO Platinum

For large businesses and organizations.

$79.99/Billed every month.
All Coding Challenges (500+)
All Video Tutorials
Project-Based Roadmaps
Access to all UI templates
5 Days Live call mentorship
Job search support
24/7 Support
Technical Interviews
Resume/CV Review
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