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A new generation of African talent brings cutting-edge AI to scientific challenges

Food security, healthcare and exploring the cosmos are among the ways students of a new generation of African talent are using cutting-edge AI to tackle scientific challenges. The students, who are part of the African Master's in Machine Intelligence (AMMI) program, are working on projects that have the potential to transform industries and improve lives across the continent. The program, which is a collaboration between the African Institute for Mathematical Sciences (AIMS) and Facebook AI, aims to train the next generation of AI researchers and practitioners in Africa.

One of the projects being developed by the students is a system that uses AI to monitor crop health and predict crop yields. The system combines satellite imagery with machine learning algorithms to analyze the health of crops and predict how much food they will produce. This information can help farmers make better decisions about when to plant, water and harvest their crops, leading to higher yields and increased food security.

Another project focuses on using AI to improve healthcare in rural areas. The students are developing a system that can diagnose diseases from medical images, such as X-rays and MRIs, with high accuracy. This system has the potential to bring life-saving medical care to communities that lack access to trained medical professionals.