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Backend Development

This mentorship program is designed to guide aspiring backend developers through a comprehensive learning path over three months. The program covers fundamental and advanced topics, practical projects, and career guidance to help mentees become proficient in backend development.

Program Structure:

The program is divided into three core months, each focusing on a specific key part to help you become a successful backend developer:

Weekly Breakdown:

Month 1: Foundations and Basic Web Development

This month is all about setting yourself up for success as a backend developer. You'll learn the core concepts of programming, version control, and basic web development technologies to build a strong foundation for the rest of the program.

Week 1-2: Programming Fundamentals

Week 3-4: Web Development Basics

Month 2: Backend Frameworks and Databases

Week 5-6: Backend Frameworks

Week 7-8: Databases

Month 3: Advanced Topics and Project

Week 9-10: Advanced Backend Concepts

Week 11-12: Final Project and Deployment

Additional Resources:

This program is designed to take a mentee from basic programming knowledge to a job-ready backend developer. The curriculum can be adjusted based on the mentee's prior experience and learning pace. Would you like me to elaborate on any specific part of this mentorship program?

Publications 📢:

We are committed to keeping our publications up to date. We review our publications every 3 months to ensure that the information is accurate and relevant. If you have any questions or feedback, please feel free to: Contact us here

Last updated: 21 July, 2024.