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Frontend Development

This mentorship program is designed to guide aspiring frontend developers through a comprehensive learning path over three months. The program covers fundamental and advanced topics, practical projects, and career guidance to help mentees become proficient in frontend development.

Program Structure:

The program is divided into three core months, each focusing on a specific key part to help you become a successful frontend developer:

Weekly Breakdown:

Month 1: ⛲️ Foundations

This month is all about setting yourself up for success as a frontend developer. You'll solidify your understanding of HTML and CSS, learn the basics of JavaScript, and start building interactive web pages.

Week 1-2: HTML and CSS Basics

Week 3-4: JavaScript Fundamentals

Month 2: Advanced Concepts and Frameworks

Week 5-6: Advanced JavaScript and ES6+

Week 7-8: Introduction to React

Month 3: Advanced React and Professional Development

Week 9-10: Advanced React and State Management

Week 11-12: Build Tools and Deployment

Additional Resources:

This mentorship program aims to provide a comprehensive foundation in frontend development, focusing on practical skills and industry-relevant technologies. The structure allows for flexibility to adapt to the mentee's pace and learning style while ensuring steady progress towards becoming a proficient frontend developer. Would you like me to elaborate on any specific part of this mentorship plan?

MDN Web Docs - HTML
Web Docs - HTML
Web Docs - CSS
Web Docs - JavaScript
React Docs

Download Roadmap

Publications 📢:

We are committed to keeping our publications up to date. We review our publications every 3 months to ensure that the information is accurate and relevant. If you have any questions or feedback, please feel free to: Contact us here

Last updated: 21 July, 2024.